Participation in the Mermaid InterNational Women Sailing Cup

will be in four categories,

International, Corporate, Individual and Universities.


International Category ;

Sailing team members should have min 16 h training. In the need of a boat and supervisor rental services the teams will be provided with the options from the local Sailing -Training schools.

Corporate Category;

1) Corporates with existing women’s sailing team

2) Corporates considering establishing a new women’s sailing team
(by taking 16 hours fundamental sailing training, supervisor and boat rental services) can participate.

Individual Category;

Women interested in sailing can form a team and participate in the Cup by taking fundamental sailing training, supervisor and boat rental services from the local Sailing -Training schools.

Universities Category;

Universities sailing club’s can participate with their girls sailing team fulfilling the prerequisite of min 16 hours fundamental sailing training.



“The trophy has brought more than 50 women sailing teams together in which more than 500 women have been introduced with sailing and competed with the team spirit. 90 percent of these women are the ones who experienced sailing for the first time. “

International Women Sailing Team Registration

International Women Sailing Teams who have fundamental sailing training min 16 hours and who would like to race with their own boat can directly participate in the Cup only by getting Supervisor support services from the reputable sailing training schools.

The International Sailing teams who already have fundamental Sailing training but in need of Supervisor +  Boat & Branding  rental services  will be provided with the options from the local Sailing -Training schools.

The participation fee includes race participation fee paid to the Turkish Sailing Federation.

And also International Sailing teams can get the detailed information and options  for any services in need by contacting the reputable sailing training schools mentioned below.

Please call us for detailed information. 0216 418 33 34

Individual Women Sailing Team Registration

Individual female sailors who form a sailing team of 5-7 people, completed 16 hours of fundamental sailing training, and also have a boat or by getting supervisor and boat rental services from sailing training schools can join the Cup.

The participation fee includes race participation fee paid to the Turkish Sailing Federation.

Please call us for detailed information.  0216 418 33 34

Corporate Women Sailing Team Registration
1.    Corporates with existing women sailing team

Corporates who have trained sailing team of 7- 10, formed by their female employees and have a sailing boat can directly participate in the Cup.

Click for the Corporate Participation form.

2.    Corporates who considers establishing a new women sailing team

The team should take 16 hours Fundamental Sailing training + Supervisor + Boat rental services from experienced sailing schools. And should consider the sailors license fee of TYF.

The participation fee includes race participation fee paid to the Turkish Sailing Federation..

Please call us for detailed information. 0216 418 33 34

Universities Girls Sailing Team Registration

Universities sailing club’s can participate with their girls sailing team fulfilling the prerequisite of min 16 hours fundamental sailing training.

The participation fee includes race participation fee paid to the Turkish Sailing Federation.

Please call us for detailed information. 0216 418 33 34

Enrollment & Participation

Enrollment Fees

8th.Mermaid International Women Sailing Cup &
Mermaid Republic Cup

International Teams – 7.000 TL

Corporate Teams  – 7.000 TL

Individual Teams – 4.500 TL

University Teams – 2.500 TL

*vat is not included
**Teams participating in the 8th.Mermaid InternationalCup on 2-3 September 2023 will have the right to participate in the Mermaid Republic Cup to be held on 25 October 2023. (2 Cups, 3 days total)

Click for the participation form

Sailing -Training Schools & Clubs

The Mermaid InterNational Women Sailing Cup Organization Committee has defined the min training standards (16 h) for the Cup with the partnering sailing schools experienced in their field.

Companies / Individual Teams who consider establishing their Women Sailing team and to take Sailing training or to rent a Boat & Supervisor services for the cup can get information and options by contacting the reputable sailing training schools mentioned below.

Companies / Individual Teams / International Teams that have a racing team but in need of a racing Boat and Supervisor services can also search for options and get support from sailing-training schools..

You can access the web pages of Sailing-Training Schools & Clubs by clicking on the logos.